Thank you for making the Cognite connection at BIO 2024!

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the science of acceleration
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to life videos

The science of


At Cognite, we know how to bring our clients’ science to life.

Expert scientific knowledge, inspiring creativity, insightful strategy and best-in-class client services all combine to rapidly deliver success in line with your brand ambition.

We understand what it takes to accelerate positive results, and we have done this for our existing clients since 2012.

If you would like to know more about what we call the science of acceleration, we would be very happy to arrange a meeting.

Bringing our clients’
science to life

We transform complex scientific discoveries and advances into engaging, accessible and compelling ideas and stories. We understand the nuances of communicating to different audiences, and excel at reaching them via all relevant channels. We also understand how to create content and assets for communication that our clients can quickly re-purpose across markets, environments and channels – our clients trust us to accelerate their success.

We understand the importance of continually exploring new technologies and strategies to ensure we, and our clients, remain relevant and credible. We are already integrating and harnessing AI to empower our strategic, scientific and creative processes. We see the combination of artificial and human intelligence as a powerful step forward on our mission to bring science to life.

services and sectors
services and sectors

Meet the team who
bring science to life

with us

We would be happy to discuss how Cognite can help bring science to life.
Contact directly below or email us at

Lee Hurley
Chief Executive Officer

Malcolm Badger
Chief Creative Officer

Joanne Pearson
Medical Affairs Lead

Sean Cush
Chief Business Officer

Anjali Hall
Head of Digital

Stephanie Westwood
Chief Scientific Officer

Storm Beadle
Client Strategy Director