Your organisation’s brand is what its stakeholders think and feel about it. Among other things this is determined by your products and services but these days functional differentiation is short lived. How your organisation behaves is therefore ever more important and this is largely a product of its culture.
It has been said that an organisation is nothing more than the collective capacity of its people to create value. The way they do this will depend on the culture, which in turn will come from the beliefs and values those people share. A useful analogy is that culture is an organisation’s software.
Put simply, having a good culture will help to make potential employee’s think and feel positive things about your organisation. It creates a positive brand which attracts good people to work for it. Good people, happily working in an effective fashion, will then contribute to customers’ perceptions of your organisation’s brand. Having the right culture therefore helps to drive your business success.
Our organisation is a prime example. Being agile is an important part of our brand but we can only be agile because of our culture. Indeed, research shows that the biggest block to organisations becoming agile is their cultures. Our culture and agility make us particularly suited to work on breakthrough science brands. We match the culture of the client teams, giving us a real competitive advantage!
Concepts of culture have therefore come a long way from dress down Friday’s or a vase of flowers and a mission statement in reception. Today, your organisation’s culture can be a key differentiator, shaping perceptions among all stakeholders. It can literally make or break your brand.