Who needs one? A smack in the mouth is not only unpleasant but may also be damaging. Yet in business, as in war, it happens frequently, metaphorically at least.
AI and rare disease
A disease is defined as rare in Europe when it affects fewer than 1 in 2000. Rare diseases present a difficult healthcare conundrum.
Should your next creative director be a robot?
We’ve all heard it, the robots are coming! Forecasters tell us that nearly half of US jobs will be replaced by AI in the next 10-20 years.
Losing faith in the brand?
As a frequent flyer and someone who specialises in branding, I admit to being taken aback when I was asked to pay for food and drink on one of world’s top airlines.
If only we could afford it
Have you met anyone who preferred sickness over health or who given quality of life wanted to die before their time?
Breakthrough science brands redefine innovation
The pharmaceutical industry has always prided itself on its record of innovation and there have been numerous examples of medicines that fully support that claim.
Why do breakthrough science brands need special stories?
In healthcare, breakthrough science brands are more than advances on what’s already there.
Rare diseases, a sustainable opportunity?
Once a neglected area by the pharmaceutical industry, rare diseases are now very much on the radar with drugs in the category worth $50 billion worldwide.
Purpose, profit and brands
Nowadays, it is fashionable to talk about being customer centric, easy to say but not so easy to live up to.